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Summer Challenge
Each clue contains a number and the first letter of a word. Once deciphered, they reveal true statements.
For example, 24 H in a D = 24 hours in a day
60 M in an H
50 S in the USA
12 E in a D
4 S in a Y
16 O in a C
435 R in the H o R
60 minutes in an hour
50 states in the USA
12 eggs in a dozen
4 seasons in a year
16 ounces in a cup
435 representatives in the House of Representatives
Winter Challenge
Complete the words below using three consecutive letters in alphabetical order.
Example: _ _ A _ U S
Add A B and C to create ABACUS.
1. F _ _ R I _
2. T H I _ _ _
3. _ _ _ I N E
4. _ _ _ A C K
Below are series of letters that represent the first letter of words in a sequence. Can you guess which words they are?
Autumn Challenge
For example, R, O, Y, G, B, I, V = red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
N, W, E, S
S, S, F, W
Z, O, T, T, F, F, S, S, E, N, T
M, V, E, M, J, S, U, N
R, J, L, W *
* very difficult
North, West, East, South
spring, summer, fall, winter
zero, one, two.... ten
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Roosevelt, Jefferson, Lincoln, Washington.
The four presidents of Mount Rushmore.
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