The Quadrat Academy High School program is centered around the preparation of adolescents for adulthood. This requires a holistic approach to the intellectual, creative, emotional, and physical development of a student.
Built upon the foundation of the middle school program, students in the Montessori high school program are self-directed and independent. At the same time, they’ve learned the value of teamwork, collaboration, and respect.
Becoming an adult
Our integrated multi-disciplinary Montessori high school program in Philadelphia, based on real-life experiences and applied knowledge, makes our high school a very unique experience. Young adults are encouraged to solve complex real-world problems and work with industry professionals, as well as take on a variety of roles in the Philadelphia community and professional environment.
Real-life experiences
Our students work with entrepreneurs, creatives, and leaders in different fields to find inspiration and build their network. While we focus on academic rigor and prepare Quadrat Academy students for college, our innovative learning formats such as podcasts, documentaries, and Socratic debates, bring learning back to its exploration origins rather than memorization.
Preparing for the future
Students are introduced to the leading trends and innovations, among others, technology trends such as quantum computing or artificial intelligence, environmental changes, and global scientific and design trends. As they become more immersed in the world, their experiences will prepare them to enter greater society as creative, critical, dynamic thinkers who have the skills to act on their own behalf with confidence, passion, and drive.
Get in touch with us to schedule a school tour or meeting.