Delicious dishes, timely topics, and immediate actions for climate change fuse in this hands-on camp that explores the impacts our foods can make on our bodies, minds, and world. Culminating in a Climate Cafe, participants will explore the rich cultural food mecca of Philadelphia and its neighborhoods.

Campers will create a variety of dishes that represent not only diverse cultures but challenge perceptions of healthy foods and draw connections between food and activism. We will create carbon neutral dishes, have photoshoots, have scavenger hunts and on Friday we will organize our very own Climate Cafe. This is an international movement, is a safe space for people to share their concerns about climate change. Our Climate Cafe will bring young people together to travel throughout the city, learn and make fun recipes, and take action for a healthy future.
Click to view the daily schedule.
Ages: 9-16
Week 1: July 11-15
Hours: 9 - 3
Location: 222 Brown St. Philadelphia, 19123
Cost: $490/week + extra for food (~$15 daily)
Camp Lead: Jason Huber